When I first came up with the idea for quickie cap® my hair was shoulder-length, layered and permed!
I was working as an actress – auditioning almost every day, and needed something quick and easy for showering, bathing and washing my face over the sink. I was very busy and needed a solution for getting my hair:
UP (without using a ponytail holder than left my hair kinked) and
OUT OF THE WAY (without using clips and bands that still let strands of hair dangle on my face).
That is where my creation began. I had tried shower caps and knew that they were ridiculously inefficient. Tucking is time-consuming and shoving hair into a shower cap crushes the style. Even when you manage to get the thing on, hair slips out and gets wet at the hairline. With a little research, I learned that plenty women had complaints about the shower cap’s shortcomings — heavier hair shifting; thicker, longer hair not fitting inside; scratchy elastic leaving dent marks in the forehead.
All this really got me thinking about creating one beauty tool to solve all of these problems. Coming up with a final prototype took almost 2 years!
Pile of Prototypes (This is only 1/3 of the prototypes that I created.)
"This is a tool that women obviously need. It's been around for centuries but it hasn't ever been updated with IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY as a goal."
To say that I became obsessed is an understatement. Having learned to sew in high school, I was able to create a working prototype that I could experiment with, use and perfect. This perfecting process took well over a year-and-a-half.
After about 9 months, I stopped auditioning and devoted myself completely to developing quickie cap.®
I then set out on a journey to make it available to all women. (I can now tell you a little about patent applications, working with a pattern maker, sourcing the right fabrics or materials and finding a manufacturer!)
Just for fun, I compiled this quick video (below) of my countless hairstyles over the years!
It includes highlights from a few commercials (for the above brands) and a couple movies that I worked on.
Gayla’s background in acting resulted in some commercial and film credits, with a few being highlighted in this video. More importantly, it fostered lots of hairstyles, spurring the creation of quickie cap®!
Gayla has 8 IMDB film and TV credits: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3772807/
Link to IMDB film and TV credits>>>> https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3772807/